2023 Impact Report

As a nonprofit, it is so important to create transparency around what we're doing every day to energize and nourish the movement for bioregional climate solutions and intercultural peacemaking in our Northeast communities.

This is why we've created our 2023 Impact Report with tangible numbers and in-depth information on what we've been up to to help heal our planet and create unity between Indigenous people and communities.

Below is just a snap shot of our work in the Berkshires and New England. We encourage you to read the full report and don't hesitate to reach out to find out how you can get involved. 

Indigenous Peoples' Day 2023 in the Berkshires

The Second Annual Honoring Native America kicks-off Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend in the Berkshires with distinguished leaders: R. Carlos Nakai, the world’s premier performer of the Native American flute; Shawn Stevens, celebrated Mohican storyteller; Cheryl Fairbanks, Esq, renowned Indigenous Peacemaker, and opening words from Lev Natan, Executive Director of Alliance for a Viable Future (AVF).


This unique event goes beyond “performance” into the interactive realm of ceremony and collective prayer.  R. Carlos Nakai, Shawn Stevens, and Cheryl Fairbanks are masters of their respective craft.  We are humbled by their presence in our Berkshires community. Their offerings inspire us to dream into a conscious future for our community and the world.  


Ticket prices reflect a sliding scale ethic - seats are evenly distributed throughout the theater.  All proceeds go to AVF’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day programming.  Thank you for participating in this groundbreaking community effort.

Secure your spot: https://mahaiwe.my.salesforce-sites.com/ticket/#/instances/a0F3w00000uz8CWEAY

Reflections on the 4th of July

As Independence Day approaches, we hold space for the complexity of our American legacy. 

We celebrate the growing cultural awareness that it is now time to grieve over the genocide and slavery that our forefathers chose to enact, instead of learning to live in peace with the First Nations of Turtle Island.

On this Independence Day that is celebrated for freedom and the birth of a new nation, it is now time to acknowledge how this nation came to be - the part that has been written out of history. 

Moving forward, we can now choose to change that.

We can choose compassion, respect, responsibility and forgiveness, as our Indigenous Counci member shared last week, at a community event.

However you choose to celebrate, or not celebrate, we hope that you take a moment to acknowledge the countless Indigenous nations still living on these soils and speak their names.

As we stand in respect for Indigenous and non-indigenous people who have served our country, let us hold the intention to step towards collective unity while still acknowledging the trauma and violence of our history.

Let this 4th of July bring us one step closer to unity, solidarity, and peacemaking.

deep bow,
The AVF Team