This project emerged organically from the Indigenous Peoples' Day 2022 weekend. Wanonah Kosbab, a community member from the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of the Mohican Indians, attended the IPD weekend, and was deeply inspired by the experience of returning to her ancestral homelands.

In response to her proactive inspiration, AVF piloted a Mohican Ancestral Healing Fellowship for Wanonah, from April to October 2023, to support her in her personal healing journey related to ancestral trauama associated with her people's displacement from the Berkshires two-hundred years ago.

AVF is working to create opportunities for her to build her leadership skills to bring back to her community to build a sister organization for cultural revitalization.

Moving forward, the Mohican Homecoming Project intends to strengthen relationships between Mohican community members in Wisconsin and Berkshires community members. Initiatives which need funding and support, include:

1. The Homecoming Journey, which enables Mohicans to visit their ancestral homelands;

2. The Community Leaders Program, which is designed to support Mohicans on a leadership journey, which includes healing ancestral trauma, developing community leadership skills, and deepening relationships with Berkshires-based allies;

3. The Intercultural Education Initiative, which focuses on educating Berkshires residents about the history and current reality of Mohican people as well as other Native Northeastern tribes; and

4. The Peacemakers Delegation, which focuses on inviting allies from the Berkshires to visit the Mohican reservation in Wisconsin to further peacemaking and reconciliation efforts.

If you would like to get involved in supporting these programs, please email